We design everyday statement-wear that inspires you to live in full color.

We believe that it's harder and braver to embrace your multitudes than to box yourself in. We believe that distinctiveness is uncomfortable, but worth it. Wearing Mixed feels like stepping into your boldest self—it's daring to be seen in full color, embracing the in-between and living on the edge of your many identities.
Mixed is a Brooklyn based studio founded in 2021. You can learn more about our sustainability practices here.

About Nasrin
Hi! I’m Nasrin—founder and designer of Mixed.
The concept of my mixedness was made clear to me at a young age growing up in LA with a Japanese mom and Iranian dad. People would learn my name then look at my face and couldn’t quite put a finger on who I was. I liked that.
So often the conversation about mixedness is about the burden of not fitting in. But in the discomfort of nonconformity there is the benefit of individuality—we occupy unique spaces that push us to consistently reflect on who we are and what we value, beyond labels and appearances.
Today, I define mixedness more broadly. It’s about all those places of tension we feel within our identities. The pieces that seem like they don’t quite fit together, but remain valuable parts of who we are. As a Japanese-Iranian-American, designer, and entrepreneur, I'm always living on the edge of my many identities. I founded Mixed to create a home for our multitudes and inspire our community to be seen in full color.