We sat down with Alyssa Fox, the first Asian American Elphaba in Wicked on Broadway. We talked about her 5-9, the truth about building a lasting and meaningful career, and how she navigated the twists and turns of her creative journey.

  • There’s often a myth about “overnight success.” What has your experience taught you about the reality of building something meaningful?

    When I first started my career in musical theatre, I thought things would move much more quickly. In reality, I spent 13 years working my way up from understudy to lead on Broadway. I felt like I was passed over so many times, but it all made sense when I eventually got there at exactly the right time. It was long and hard but it made it so much sweeter when it finally worked out. 

  • How do you stay motivated during the late nights or early mornings when your energy may be low, but you’re pushing toward something bigger?

    I called 2023 my year in the monastery. I knew the year contract as lead would take every single ounce of energy I had, and I was willing to give it. I gave myself shameless sleep and rest, and reached out to friends when things became overwhelming and I needed extra support. I made it through with a good support system, hard work, sacrifice, and dedication to the goal. 

  • When you look back at the journey you’ve taken so far, what would you say is your proudest achievement in your 5-9 life?

    In 2023 I had the ultimate honor of being Elphaba on Broadway for the 20th anniversary of Wicked. I'd say that night was hands down the best night of my life, and a huge catharsis after the long journey leading up to it. The roar and energy of the audience was like nothing I've ever experienced before. I'll never forget that feeling. 

If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting out on their 5-9 journey, what would it be?

Comparison is the thief of joy. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that each person has their own path and their own timing. Just because something is happening for someone else, doesn't impede on your success. It makes this business so much better when you can root for others who are working towards similar goals. If it's really meant for you it will come in time!