What a tease

Every year, Fool’s Spring arrives like clockwork. One warm, golden day that tricks us into believing winter is behind us. Yesterday, I wore open-toed shoes and, for the first time in months, left my winter coat at home. Today, winter came roaring back.

Fool’s Spring is a threshold, a space in between. You’re no longer fully in winter, but you’re not in spring yet either. It’s the uncertainty that makes it so uncomfortable. Do we keep our coats nearby or pack them away? Do we prepare for another cold spell or lean into the warmth? The in-between forces us to hold conflicting realities at once: anticipation and patience, excitement and restraint, hope and endurance.

But Fool’s Spring isn’t just about the weather—it’s about all the moments in life when we feel like we’re on the edge of something new, but aren’t quite there yet. A tipping point.

What makes the waiting harder is the wanting. It’s the glimpse of what’s ahead that makes it harder to stay where we are. When we don’t know how long the cold will last, how long the creative block will persist, how long until they text us back, it’s tempting to rush ahead and force what isn’t yet ready. But Fool’s Spring teaches us to sit with the discomfort of the in-between, to find patience in uncertainty, and to accept where we are today despite where we wish to be.

When we’re in transition, it's helpful to hold onto signs of life—warmer days, progress on the painting, adjustments in mindsets. Celebrating the little wins makes it easier to endure the cold, even when we know warmth is on the way.

Because eventually, this season will end. And when it does, we won’t just be stepping into spring—we’ll be stepping into a version of ourselves that knows how to weather the wait.

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