We wrote you a poem

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a seamstress was sewing, not a mask nor a blouse;

Our patterns were drawn by hand with much care,

In hopes that you’d love them and wear ‘em with flair

We’re taking a break, all snug in our beds;

While visions of Mixed’s clothing line dance in our heads;

Founded in a pandemic, we quickly bootstrapped,

We survived 2020, now it’s time for a nap!

When out on a limb, I started this brand,

I never imagined it could be this damn grand.

Thousands of orders hand packed and shipped out,

Mixed masks kept you safe when you ventured about

But where would I be without Mixed’s MVP?

Miss Sasha Walsh, you fill me with glee

You’ve created Mixed’s clothing line with ease and precision,

Without you my sketches would remain a mere vision

And a big thanks to you, our dearest supporters,

I treasure every comment, DM and Mixed order.

So here’s to letting our Mixedness shine bright—

Happy holidays to all, and to all a good night!


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